Anime by Grade
Anime that I've reviewed get a final grade. For those of you who haven't noticed, the grading scale is noted on the sidebar already.
If you are too actually too lazy to read the sidebar, it's a letter grade and some unholy lovechild between how DDR handles grades and how a teacher does letter grades (as there are pluses and minuses).
A - B - C - D - E - F
If you are too actually too lazy to read the sidebar, it's a letter grade and some unholy lovechild between how DDR handles grades and how a teacher does letter grades (as there are pluses and minuses).

- A = shows that I find to be some of the highest quality as stories, works of art, or the like.
- B = also really good and above average, and plenty of my favorites fall into both A's and B's. B's can be just as enjoyable as an A, but may not have the technical quality or something like that, so don't get butthurt because you think B's are shows to like less.
- C = OK. Maybe they're close to a B but just don't make the cut, or some quality saves then from being a D. Either way not bad, even likable, but probably not remarkable life-changers.
- D = just... D's. They passed, at least.
- E = E for effort. As in it was a real effort to watch the entire thing. But still survivable, I suppose.
- F = HAHAAHAHAHAH no. Potential to be so bad it's good.
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