[Cartoon React] Star VS The Forces of Evil 01x01a - 01x09b

Star VS The Forces of Evil

Season 1, Episodes 1a - 9b

Star Comes to Earth | Party With a Pony | Match Maker | School Spirit | Monster Arm | The Other Exchange Student | Cheer up Star | Quest Buy | Diaz Family Vacation | Brittney's Party | Mewberty | Pixtopia | Lobster Claws | Sleep Spells | Blood Moon Ball | Fortune Cookies | Freeze Day | Royal Pain

"Things are gonna get a little weird. Things are gonna get a little wild. I ain't from round here - I'm from another dimension!"
Original Air Date: 18 January 2015 - 27 July 2015
Average Running Time: 11 minutes
Language: English

When magical princess Star Butterfly receives a royal magic wand for her 14th birthday, she proves to her parents that she is not ready for the responsibility that comes with it. As a result, they send her to a place that doesn't have magic -- Earth -- in hopes that she will gain maturity. Upon her arrival, Star is given a family to help guide her, so she moves in with the Diaz family, which includes teenage son Marco. Star takes Marco with her as she battles villains -- both in their high school and throughout the universe -- as she attempts to protect her powerful wand.

I've been keeping up with this new Disney show since it's premiere back in January, but was never able to blog about it. Since it'd be a waste of time to go back and write about everything individually, I'll group my episode binges together, especially since during the semester my internet usage here at school is spotty at best, and then there's the whole homework thing.

And the one thing I've gotta say about this is I love the generation of animators that grew up on Sailor Moon. Ever since Nickelodeon became a complete shithole Disney has been throwing out some great cartoons.

You know this is going mahou shoujo. And it's still just the opening.
Story-wise, this about a magical princess who gets sent to Earth on an indefinite homestay until she learns to stop fucking shit up. So Star is a straight up magical girl but in a hyperactive western way and it's absolutely adorable. In an obnoxious sort of adorable. She'll wear you out, but in the end she's not perfect, you know she means well, and when all's said and done you care. Granted, this show is meant for a younger audience than, say, Gravity Falls, so it's much more light-hearted thus far in terms of overeaching plot - and I mean that in the sense it doesn't necessarily have one beyond the basic premise. Still, I don't think it really needs one anywhos. It's designed to be a cute show to enjoy. If you want to read more into it that's fine but it's mostly an "along for the ride" kinda thing... Except the ride is through portals opened by magic scissors to crazy locations across the multiverse.

Kawaii. As. Fuck. (No really, one of the pictures actually used the word "kawaii")
As long as you don't forget that the point of this show is just to have fun, wacky, adventures, it's proven pretty enjoyable. Especially to ya'll out there who love magical girls and western cartoons. Finally, a generation of animators who have been inspired by anime now takes the center stage!!! And unlike whatever's going on in parts of the Japanese industry, they're expanding the appeal of their works rather than making it a moe-fest so extreme that only otaku equally extreme will like it. For fans of the mahou shoujo, you get a real sense that the creator is one of us (bruh, just look at Star's magic wand - it looks like a Sailor Moon weapon). It's a real, western homage to the style, without trying too hard to fit into it. It just does it's own thing, which is fine by me.

I did say this was a *fun* show... right...?
Naturally it has a highly episodic nature, so you don't feel to desperate to keep up, but it's still engaging enough that when I do start I fucking binge watch. Granted, I binge watch a lot of things, but this one I can def see as a binge series when you just want to kick back and not drown yourself in die-hard feels.

Okay, maybe some of you will get some feels.
Still, it's been a wild ride and I'm really enjoying it. It's got a great look and wacky feel. The character designs are fun. The stories are fun. It's just fun all around. And even though each episode is a little short 11-minute thing, I do see the potential to become more elaborate if it wants to be (though I'm perfectly content the way it is now). I guess we'll just have to see where this goes. But so far so good!

I mean look at this character design. Look at this cool-looking asshole. LOOK AT HIM. HE'S SUCH A SEMI-REPENTIVE DICK.
Out of what I've seen thus far, I think my favorite episodes may have been Mewberty and Blood Moon Ball. Pixtopia and Sleep Spells were great too. There are also a few hints of more sinister things to come, so I actually am intrigued as to what's going to happen next with Ludo's terrible evil plans, even if that's not a main focus of this show.

They weren't lying about things getting a little weird tho.
"I got an F for Fantastic!!!"
