
I think I'm a cool loser because at least I can mingle with multiple types of losers. If you're one of those weeaboo anime purists I'll tell you now that you're in the wrong section for that kind of thing. Here lies animated series from everywhere that isn't Japan - which by the way if country of origin is literally your only criteria for whether or not you'll watch a show period you've probably got more than a few problems.

By Year
Sorting animated shows by year, and though everything should be here (at least eventually), it's based off America's history of animation because let's face it - where would we be without Disney?

If you weren't paying attention before, this is any not-Japanese animated series. Some of this stuff may look Japanese, may even be animated by Japanese studios and even confuse those assholes that hate on Avatar for being a western show, but it's still NOT Japanese. Japan has it's own page, thank you very much.

By Genre
I'm obliged to at least pretend this page exists.

By Grade
Obviously, since this is a react/review blog-ish thing.
